Occupational therapy
Do something for your health under the Fuerteventura sun
- Comprehensive anamnesis
- Individual training
- Competent advice
- Combined therapy methods
- Mindfulness training and meditation
Occupational therapy
We are happy to support people of all ages who have difficulties with everyday activities due to illness, disability or age. We want to increase your independence, health and enjoyment of life so that you can manage your everyday life as independently as possible.
Our focus:
Wir arbeiten auf der Basis wissenschaftlicher Grundlagen und einer fundierten mehrjährigen Ausbildung. So bieten wir Ihnen einen ganzheitlichen Behandlungsansatz, unterstützt durch das milde Klima Fuerteventuras.
Getting to know your own body
Reducing stress supports the healing process. Through meditation and mindfulness training, you learn to trigger parasympathetic, neuronal reactions in your body, which has a calming, immune-strengthening and thus healing effect on the body. Learn to recognise the body's warning signals more quickly and to be able to deal with them adequately.
Medical history
We consider every person with all their physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects and their uniqueness.
Therefore, it is important for us to take a detailed medical history with each new client in order to select the best possible treatment approach that meets the client's individual goals. We make your wishes and goals the focus of the therapy.