Therapeutic personal training
Pain in the joints? Osteoarthritis? Rheumatism?
-With weight loss and specific training, symptoms can be reduced.
You lack the strength for earlier everyday activities?
-The body builds muscle best through regular strength training.
Do you need more and more help from others in everyday life?
Do you need more and more help from others in everyday life?
You don't feel as comfortable in your body as you used to?
-Bei uns erhalten Sie die ideale Anleitung und Unterstützung zur Gewichtsreduktion.
Do you have problems walking up stairs or other difficult activities?
-In therapeutic fitness training, coordination exercises are included in the training plan.
Do you need more and more help from others in everyday life?
Do you need more and more help from others in everyday life?
Therapeutic personal training
Auf Erkrankungen und Einschränkungen angepasstes Personal-Training
- Comprehensive anamnesis taking into account the physical capacity
- Individually adapted training
- Nutritional counselling
- Individual training plan creation
- Feeling good in your own body through physical and mental training
- Nachhaltige Verbesserung durch Online-Beratung
- Online-Training
Therapeutic personal training
In therapeutic personal training, we work with you to achieve your physical goals. Our therapeutic background allows us to address physical ailments or limitations, if any.
We provide you with comprehensive information about training methods and work out a training plan together with you, which you can also continue on your own without us. We explain to you comprehensively how to perform the respective exercises correctly.
In addition, we advise you on the right diet for you and put together a nutrition plan for you.
Erhalten Sie jetzt 50% Rabatt für die erste Kennenlernstunde!
Feeling comfortable in your own body
Even if fitness training and the appropriate diet are the best way to shape your body according to your ideas, the path to the dream figure is very long for some people. That is why it is very important to accept your body and feel good in it, even if you have not yet achieved your dream body.
We therefore combine fitness training with mental exercises that improve your relationship to your own body and mind.
Medical history
We consider every person with all their physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects and their uniqueness.
Therefore, it is important for us to take a detailed medical history with every new client in order to choose the best possible training method where the client will reach his or her goals most quickly.

60 Min. -> 60€
One hour of personal training in an individual setting
- Bodyweight training
- Training against resistance
- Kardiotraining
- Stretching exercises
Since we take a medical history and set goals with each new client, the first individual session does not include the full time of training.
For the first hour you will therefore receive a 50% discount.

3x 60 Min. -> 150€
This package contains:
- Detailed anamnesis
- Individually adapted training by arrangement
- Nutritional counselling
- Depending on the wishes and indications, a training programme is put together from:
- Fitness training
- Stretching exercises
- Meditation (training for the mind)
- Breathing exercise
- Final counselling on the continuation of the training

5x 60 Min. -> 250€
This package contains:
- Detailed anamnesis
- individually adapted training
- Nutritional counselling
- Depending on the wishes and indications, a training programme is put together from:
- Fitness training
- Stretching exercises
- Meditation (training for the mind)
- Breathing exercises
- Massage
- Final counselling on the continuation of the training

10x 60 Min. -> 500€
This package contains:
- Detailed anamnesis
- individually adapted training
- Nutritional counselling
- Depending on the wishes and indications, a training programme is put together from:
- Fitness training
- Stretching exercises
- Meditation (training for the mind)
- Breathing exercises
- Massage
- Final counselling on the continuation of the training

20x 60Min. -> 1000€
With this package you book your personal fitness and health trainer.
This package contains:
- Detailed anamnesis with goal setting
- individually adapted training
- Nutritional counselling
- Depending on the wishes and indications, a training programme is put together from:
- Fitness training
- Stretching exercises
- Meditation (training for the mind)
- Breathing exercises
- Medical massages
- Online counselling and continuation of the training until you have completed 20 hours

60 Min: -> 45€
Book your personal online fitness lesson
This can be best from:
- Training instruction via an online platform for you at home
- Instructions for breathing exercises or meditations (fitness for the mind)
- Detailed anamnesis of your health condition and subsequent consultation
- Nutritional counselling
Are you dissatisfied with your body and would like to do something good for your health?
Then simply contact us via this website and ask for an appointment.